Amazing how I used to hate having my picture taken - now I find I don't mind so much. This first one is our "birthday club." Since our birthdays are all so close, we go out for one dinner to celebrate all three. This year was the Cheesecake Factory - love that place. Such a wonderfully diverse menu, and it's all so good!
Here I am with Mr. T - haven't seen him since before Xmas! He came out our way and we went to lunch at the Coho Cafe. Always so good to see him! Such a sweetheart - we love this man.
And here are the two loves of my life - Special K and the Sparkster. This was taken out at my folks' house - Sparky's saying hello to a couple of the neighborhood dogs.Got a new camera; well, it's not new, but it is to us. Rita gave it to us (A very nice little Canon digital - having so much fun with it), as she got herself a new one. Nice to have a working camera again.